5S Station (5s-STH-1)


5S Station (5s-STH-1) 5s-STH-1
Price : 102.96 AUDIn stock
Part No.5S-STH-1
What is it:5S Red Tags Holder and Check List Clipboard
Application:To ensure that the 5S's are used in your workplace to keep processes lean - Just Red Tag it! See below for a detailed description of the 5S System
Use For:Organisation and Process control within your work place
Material Board:HDPE Plastics
Dimensions of Board:
240mm x 500mm
Tag Material:
Cardboard with string (no grommet)
Dimensions of Tags:175 x 90mm
Stock:Yes - Kunda Park, Queensland
Other:Can be custom made upon request

At Cirlock, we practice lean manufacturing, it has helped us to ensure the best prices for our products, simply because we waste less time and materials. Our New uncomplicated 5S system available that you can use so you too can deal with the waste and increase productivity.

Our simple 5S system helps you to sort your area out, mark unwanted items with a red tag and place them into a marked area where they can be dealt with. Also includes a checklist so you team can mark off when they have tidied the area as a continual best practice measure. All you have to do is ensure it is kept up.

The 5S system originated in Japan, and the 5 S’s are Sort, Set in order, Shine, Standardise and Sustain. See below for more information.

Our 5S station comes complete with a clipboard, 2 tag holders and 25 tags to start you off. We also have a smaller version available.


Sort (Seiri)

1S – an example of red tag area.
  • First step towards our 5S journey.
  • Make work easier by eliminating obstacles.
  • Reduce chances of being disturbed with unnecessary items.
  • Evaluate necessary items with regard to cost or other factors.
  • Remove all parts or tools that are not in use.
  • Segregate unwanted material from the workplace.
  • Define Red-Tag area to place unnecessary items that cannot immediately be disposed of. Dispose of these items when possible.
  • Need fully skilled supervisor for checking on a regular basis.
  • Make clear all working floor except using material.

Set in order (Seiton)

2S – simple floor marking.
  • Arrange all necessary items so that they can be easily selected for use.
  • Prevent loss and waste of time by arranging work station in such a way that all tooling / equipment is in close proximity.
  • Make it easy to find and pick up necessary items.
  • Ensure first-in-first-out FIFO basis.
  • Make workflow smooth and easy.
  • All of the above work should be done on a regular basis.
  • Place components according to their uses, with the frequently used components being nearest to the work place.

Shine/Sweeping (Seiso)

3S – cleanliness point with cleaning tools and resources.
  • Clean your workplace on daily basis completely or set cleaning frequency time to time
  • Use cleaning as inspection.
  • Prevent machinery and equipment deterioration.
  • Keep workplace safe and easy to work.
  • Keep workplace clean and pleasing to work in.
  • When in place, anyone not familiar to the environment must be able to detect any problems within 50 feet in 5 sec.

Standardize (Seiketsu)

  • Establish procedures and schedules to ensure the consistency of implementing the first three ‘S’ practices.
  • Develop a work structure that will support the new practices and make it part of the daily routine.
  • Ensure everyone knows their responsibilities of performing the sorting, organizing and cleaning.
  • Use photos and visual controls to help keep everything as it should be.
  • Review the status of 5S implementation regularly using audit checklists.
  • Ensure standardizing color codes for usable items.

Sustain (Shitsuke)

  • Also translates as "do without being told"
  • Perform regular audits.
  • Training and discipline.
  • Training is goal-oriented process. Its resulting feedback is necessary monthly.
  • Self-discipline
  • To maintain proper order, ensure all defined standards are being implemented and heard.
  • Follow the process, but also be open to improvement