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Cirlock Pty Ltd wishes to apologise for an error in an advertisement that appeared in the March 2017 Edition of Australian Mining Monthly featuring our SLP-450 series of padlocks.

It has come to our attention that the advert incorrectly included the Australian Made logo and the statement, "Designed by Cirlock - Manufactured Locally", which may have given the impression that the SLP-450 series padlocks are Made in Australia.

We wish to confirm that although a number of our products are Australian Made, the Cirlock Lockout Padlocks, including the SLP-450 series, are not made in Australia.  We sincerely apologise for this unintentional error.

Any customer who has purchased an SLP-450 series padlock under the assumption that the padlocks are made in Australia may contact Cirlock for a full refund.

Cirlock Pty Ltd / 07 5445 2910  /  /





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