Group lock boxes of all sizes

Site Safety - Lockout Stay Safe!

Group lock boxes of all sizes - One person, one lock

If more than one person is working on the same plant, each person should attach their own personal padlock to each isolation point to prevent the equipment being operated. The isolation procedure should identify common lock out points to ensure energy cannot be restored while someone is still working on the plant.

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Cirlock Celebrates 30 Years

Celebrating 30 Years Celebrating 30 Years

In 1992 Mount Isa, Erik Larsen was working as an electrician and never imagined what lay ahead of him, how he would be an integral part of the growth of Lockout Tagout processes across Australia.


Lockout devices for electrical circuit breakers were not readily available for use in Industry in the early 90’s, and the importance of Health & Safety was becoming more and more prevalent during this time.  A clear need for these lockout devices could be seen in the Mining Industry and Erik was approached by a contact to see what he could do.

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Custom Printed Tags

Cirlock-Custom-made-Tags Custom Printed Tags

Lockout signs and tags are an important part of any lockout tagout process and help to prevent hazards in the workplace. They are often used in conjunction with lockout devices for locking off an isolation point and assist in ensuring correct procedures are being adhered to.  Lockout-tagout not only improves the productivity but cut costs and saves lives.

The Role of Tags in the Lockout Tag-Out Process

Tags are often colour-coded, textual, diagrams or visuals of warnings during lockouts. However, they play an even greater role in cases where energy-isolation devices cannot be physically locked out. Energy isolation equipment that does not support hasps, safety padlocks, lockable switches, or snap on valve covers, need to be appropriately tagged out to let people know that a particular energy source has been isolated and should not be accessed.

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PIPE ID Markers

Where to use

A Pipe ID marker consists of printed text on a coloured background with a contrasting border and a chevron to show flow direction.

The colours are determined by the pipe’s contents.

White on Light Blue - AIR
Black on Sand - GASES
White on Orange - ELECTRICAL
White on Blue - WATER
White on Violet - ACIDS & ALKALIS
Black on Silver - STEAM
White on Green - WATER
White on Brown - OILS
White on Black - OTHER LIQUIDS

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